Lose Weight Naturally: 6 Ayurvedic Remedies That Burn Body Fat

Indians have been turning to Ayurveda throughout the centuries to cure illnesses that are otherwise hard to get rid of, without any side-effects. Recent developments to this ancient science have opened new avenues that are more wellness oriented.Now, the whole world is recognizing the power of ayurveda and the countless health benefits that it has to offer both in terms of prevention as well as treatment.
Here are a few ayurvedic herbs that help in burning the excess body fat and help in weight loss:
One of the most popular Ayurvedic concoctions, Triphala is a combination of three three herbs: Amlaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki.Amlaki or Amla or the Indian Gooseberry is a very potent antioxidant that reduces inflammation in the body, controls blood sugar levels and suppresses hunger.Haritaki has a cleansing effect. It detoxifies the body by removing toxic chemicals and accumulated fat cells.Bibhitaki prevents water and fat retention in the body.Mix two teaspoonful of Triphala powder in a glass of water and drink before going to bed at night. You may add honey for taste.
It is a well-known medicine used in the Ayurveda circuit for management of body fats. Guggul lowers cholesterol or LDL in our blood and increases HDL (good fats) thereby limiting the chances of cardiovascular diseases significantly. It has numerous other health benefits like management of arthritis, diabetes and nervous disorders. Have a teaspoonful of this resin thrice a day mixed with honey for taste.
When it comes to medicinal properties, few herbs or spices can match up to ginger. This very popular herb prevents fat accumulation in our body and lowers the level of cholesterol in blood.The phytochemicals contained in ginger increases our metabolic rate thereby assisting the synthesis of fats. Tea brewed with ginger is extremely popular in this country and is recommended twice a day. It can be used extensively in cooking also.
Curry leaves do not really strike one as an Ayurvedic herb that can help fight obesity. The strong flavour of curry leaves has the property of satiating hunger that goes a long way in reducing the amount of food you consume. The curry powder that is a mixture of several herbs and spices have medicinal properties apart from the fact that it increases the rate of metabolism in humans. Add generous amounts of curry leaves or powder to everyday dishes to give them a zing.
This is an Ayurvedic fat-cutter that is available across many wellness stores as an extract. This plant product accelerates the rate at which the body burns fat. It is also proven in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol. Mix 2-3 teaspoonful of this extract with water, honey and lemon and have it on an empty stomach in the morning.
The Aloe Vera plant is an incredible source of nutrients. It aids in weight loss around the midriff. This plant is a very powerful antioxidant that cleanses the system every time you have it. This plant extract can be had raw in the morning or can be mixed with honey, lemon and water for taste. It increases the metabolic rate thereby burning the unwanted fat cells.
So, go ahead and give these ancient and yet effective herbs a try and lose weight in a healthy way. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!

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