‎Slipped disc Problem

Slipped‬ discs are most commonly found in those between the ages of 30 and 50, with men twice as likely to suffer as women.
A slipped disc usually is caused by wear and tear or prolapse of the disc. Each disc has two parts-a soft, gelatinous inner portion and a tough outer ring. Injury or weakness can cause the inner portion of the disc to protrude through the outer ring. This is known as a slipped or herniated disc. This causes pain and discomfort. If the slipped disc compresses one of our spinal nerves, you may also experience numbness and pain along the affected nerve.
A slipped disc can occur in any part of our spine, right from neck to lower back. The lower back is the most common area for slipped discs.
Although some people who have a slipped disc display no obvious symptoms, most experience pain that begins in the lower back and can spread to other parts of the body.
The majority of slipped discs compress on one of the nerves in the spine, often the sciatic nerve, and this pressure causes an aching pain or numbness, often extending into the buttocks and one or both legs, where paraesthesia may also occur.
Through the combination of Super Advanced Physiotherapy, Food Supplement and Homoeopathy, pain due to Slipped discs is reduced considerably and rejuvenation of the affected area begins.


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